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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2017

Mafia Lingo page 1

oblivion 19th January 2012, 08:38 PM Some terminology is pretty much universal to Mafia games, and some is unique to specific mafia communities. The lingo at MindRomp is (at least initially) a meld of universal terms and terms that are common on a few other sites. I thought it might be helpful to start a list of terms. Feel free to add to this, and feel free to ask about terms you see but don't understand. I'll start with a few that I've seen so far in the current game. Meta, meta-game, meta-gaming Meta or meta-game refers to players' game history - how they play when they are town, scum, special, etc. Putting a vote on someone for "meta reasons" indicates the voter is basing their vote on historical behaviors. This is in contrast to objective tells. meta-gaming or "playing for the meta" means that the player is (or is thought to be) playing a role a certain way for their future reputation. Playing an indie role in an uber-protown manner

Kirk vs Picard ? page 1

Magicziggy 19th January 2012, 12:09 AM It was a convulated train of thought, but ... "Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy - YouTube I am undecided... Gawdzilla 19th January 2012, 12:11 AM Kirk couldn't act. So Picard for the win. Robert_S 19th January 2012, 12:20 AM There is a certain charm to Kirk's overacting and the entire original series. It is so idealistic that I can look past the cheesiness. Gawdzilla 19th January 2012, 12:23 AM There is a certain charm to Kirk's overacting and the entire original series. It is so idealistic that I can look past the cheesiness. I watched it first time around and have never had an urge to do so again. Exi5tentialist 19th January 2012, 12:23 AM I think you mean Shatner couldn't act. Kirk I would happily have slept with, Shatner not, go figure. Gawdzilla 19th January 2012, 12:24 AM I think you mean Shatner couldn't act. Kirk I would happily have slept with, Shatner not, go figure. I don't have t

MindRomp Mafia Rules and Peanut Gallery page 1

oblivion 17th January 2012, 12:47 AM This is a low-flavor game. Day 1 will end at 1 PM GMT Wednesday/8 AM US ET. Nights will last 12 hours and after day 1, days will last 24 hours. I think most players are familiar with the "usual rules", but I will spell them out for the record: - no private communications unless your role pm specifies otherwise. - no zombie play in the game thread or peanut gallery. No gameplay by living players in the peanut gallery. - do not edit your posts. - do not directly quote or otherwise verbatim reproduce PMs from me. it is ok to paraphrase. check with me beforehand if you have any questions about what is permissible. - If I feel that a player's lack of participation is screwing up the game, the player will be substituted or godkilled at my discretion. nostrum 17th January 2012, 03:45 AM :munch: oblivion 18th January 2012, 08:31 AM hey guys...I need two subs. any takers? Uselesstwit 18th January 2012, 08:49 AM i'll do